A Look Inside My Search

In a search for answers to the woes in my life, I found God. The truth that lies in knowing God for myself, placed me on a quest for peace. While on this journey, I have discovered that there are others seeking this truth also and that I can help. I have a Doctor of Ministry degree from Catholic Theological Union, not to rise above anyone, but to better serve everyone. I am on a journey towards peace, speaking truth that opens people up to God.

08 March 2009

Are You Preparing for Transfiguration?

As I listened to the readings today at Mass I was struck by a new understanding of transfiguration for us today. The deacon who preached aligned the transfiguration with the metamorphoses of a butterfly. And I began to think, Jesus isn't the only one who is to be transfigured. I realize that my journey to my own transfiguration is wrapped in my journey towards peace. As I move closer to God there are things (behaviors, habits, thoughts, etc.) that are changing, being stripped from me to get me ready. I don't do what I used to. Notice that about yourself? I like to say that "I'm growing up in God."
What about you?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Timone! Sorry to write here, but I don't have your email address...just in case you didn't see my reply to your comment on my blog; e-mail Luvvie at luvvieblog@gmail.com to get all the details for rocking the red pump tomorrow! i'm so thrilled you're on board with all of us, and would LOVE to meet you at the happy hour tomorrow!
