A Look Inside My Search

In a search for answers to the woes in my life, I found God. The truth that lies in knowing God for myself, placed me on a quest for peace. While on this journey, I have discovered that there are others seeking this truth also and that I can help. I have a Doctor of Ministry degree from Catholic Theological Union, not to rise above anyone, but to better serve everyone. I am on a journey towards peace, speaking truth that opens people up to God.

31 December 2014

Ending Beginning

New Year's Eve marks the end and the beginning. It is the one time that an entire people regardless of race, creed, ethnic origins, political agendas, sexuality, religious denomination, etc., celebrate the end and beginning.

Move away from New Year's Eve and you find people hanging on to things they should be ending and failing to start things they should be beginning.

I am embracing the rhythm of ending beginning. And this time I'm EXCITED!!

Ending Beginning allows me the opportunity to close the door on sorrows, mistakes, should-haves and could-haves and open the window to going-to and can-do.

To continue this journey towards peace, some things truly must end. I must close the door on
  • too many projects which results in "too many minds"
  • procrastination that results in me rushing to get too many projects complete
  • working the wrong projects 
and open the window to
  •  streamlined work
  • a more focused way of working
  •  working smarter
I'm ending the "don't have time" mantra and beginning the "I have time for God" mantra.
I look forward to what having time for God looks like in 2015.

As you celebrate 2014, put an END to that which is holding you back from your BEGINNING.


25 December 2014

Christmas Hope

God born into the world long ago invites us to have Christmas in our hearts.

And so that we aren't overwhelmed, God comes as an infant: small, in need of our small nurturing in order to grow, to fill our hearts completely.

May the poverty of our hearts be transformed by the SON.

Merry Christmas!!

22 December 2014

Watch Watching ADVENT - Week Four: Welcoming the Transformation

Read Isaiah 43:19

The largest stumbling block to God’s grace is our inability to accept it.
We allow our sense of unworthiness to get in the way. We believe every negative thing, every mistake, every fault, every failure has more weight than God’s forgiveness. This last week of Advent is all about Welcoming the Transformation that comes when we’ve gotten into position, completed our strength training and worked it out. It’s about Acceptance.
We are a new creation in Christ! Hallelujah! Let the party begin. Oh wait. We can have the party, but you must know, this last step can be tricky. Many people get stuck here. They welcome the the transformation as though they have arrived at the end. But this is not the end. Welcoming the Transformation is to acknowledge all that God has done, give Thanks and start all over again.

Yes we must get in position, do strength training, work it out and welcome the transformation. This is the life of a doer of the WORD. One who hears and then works to “make all things new.”

16 December 2014

Watch Watching ADVENT - Week Three: Working It Out

Watch Watching ADVENT - Week One found us "Getting Into Position" while Watch Watching ADVENT - Week Two had us in the "gym" with "Strength Training."

This third Week of Advent we are "Working It Out."

Working it Out is our presentation to the world that we’re Getting Into Position and that we’re involved in Strength Training. Watch Watching ADVENT doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It doesn't take place only in your home. It’s PUBLIC. As much as we think following Christ is all about us individually, it isn’t. This “private” thing we got going on with Christ is only private when we’re faking it. True followers are Working It Out. Making adjustments. Stumbling. Falling. Getting angry. Being frustrated with the progress or lack of progress. Crying in the darkness. Rejoicing. Celebrating. Working It Out is about sharing what God is doing in our lives. It’s about using what God has given us for the benefit of others. For that is the way God is truly glorified. Working It Out has us looking through Christ’s eyes, not ours. Working It Out is committing to Strength Training and LIVING our new lifestyle. Showing and Telling the Good News. It’s entitled Working It Out, because we have to figure out how to get the pieces to fit. We have to take note of those things which are helping us and those things that are not. We have to have the courage to rid ourselves of those things (and people) that are not life-giving. Working It Out demands that we press forward toward God. That we stay “under the shelter of the Most High” and WORK.

09 December 2014

Watch Watching ADVENT - Week Two: Strength Training

Last week I talked about the need for Getting Into Position this Advent Season so that we may receive our LORD when He comes again. This week I'm all about Strength Training.

Strength Training is all about preparing ourselves to take on the onslaught of adversity while we're in position. Funny thing about following Christ is that being in the correct position is not enough. We often think that after we are "saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost" that the work is done. Sorry.

Strength Training is about daily prayer, reading Scripture, helping others, opening one's heart to the will of God and replacing our will with God's will. Strength Training gives us the stamina in our legs to handle the winds of adversity. Strength Training allows us to put up the umbrella of God when the rains of depression threaten to flood our lives. Strength Training helps us navigate the influx of temptation as we journey.

Advent provides us with a great opportunity to get back into the "gym" and workout. Slow down and take note of the light; darkness CANNOT overcome it.


01 December 2014

Watch Watching ADVENT - Week One: Getting Into Position

What a festive time of year for many of us. Christmas songs are playing on the radio. Decorations are on display in shop windows and in our homes. Christmas trees are being decorated with sentimental ornaments. And can't you just smell the cinnamon, the pumpkin, the nutmeg, the vanilla?

But this isn't what we're to be watching for. We're supposed to be watching for Christ. We're supposed to watch for our LORD to come again. And while we're watching, we should be Getting Into Position to receive the grace that our LORD's coming gives us.

Getting Into Position is difficult. It requires that we slow down as the "Holiday" Season gears up. Getting Into Position asks me to take a deeper look inside and admit my faults and forgive others theirs. Getting Into Position requires that I look past the presents to the PRESENCE of Christ in my speaking and in my doing.

As I begin this Advent trek, may I open my heart to the transforming works of our God as I move into position.
