A Look Inside My Search

In a search for answers to the woes in my life, I found God. The truth that lies in knowing God for myself, placed me on a quest for peace. While on this journey, I have discovered that there are others seeking this truth also and that I can help. I have a Doctor of Ministry degree from Catholic Theological Union, not to rise above anyone, but to better serve everyone. I am on a journey towards peace, speaking truth that opens people up to God.

19 October 2008

What I meant was...

How often have we spoken those words when we realize that what came out of our mouth was not quite right? Today, I have tried to catch up on a variety of uncompleted work and found myself being sidetracked by a number of things: people who needed help with a project; someone who needed reassurance that he was on the right track; someone else who just wanted to say hi. And before I knew it, I had uttered something out of frustration that I didn't mean. In my movement towards peace, I am reminded to respond differently to outside forces. May I learn to breath in deeply Jesus before I respond.

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