A Look Inside My Search

In a search for answers to the woes in my life, I found God. The truth that lies in knowing God for myself, placed me on a quest for peace. While on this journey, I have discovered that there are others seeking this truth also and that I can help. I have a Doctor of Ministry degree from Catholic Theological Union, not to rise above anyone, but to better serve everyone. I am on a journey towards peace, speaking truth that opens people up to God.

07 December 2016

"God Speak" Not "Hate Speak" —As a response to the anguish and anxiety people are experiencing post the 2016 Presidential Election

When I got to work 9 November 2016 and responded to my coworker that I was doing fine, his response was one of shock and dismay. “How can you be okay? Do you not know the results of the election?” I responded, “Oh I know the results. But for me nothing has changed. The United States has always been anti-Black and Brown bodies.” Did people really think that having a Black man as president for the last eight years erased people’s underlying hatred and bigotry? Really?! I didn’t.

So when the final 2016 Presidential Election candidates were chosen, I didn’t want to know anything about their campaigns because I was struggling to reconcile the choices. Really!!?? Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump are the candidates? I just wanted to bow out of the voting process. But I could NOT!!! Too many Black people were threatened, beaten and killed for the right to vote. I refuse to let them down, so I vote—in every election. And what happened this time? The lid was taken off the box of hatred and bigotry, and many people are frightened.

Yet, I am not frightened. The United States of America became a rich nation on the bodies of Black people. The atrocities heaped upon Black bodies since this country’s uniting leaves me, a Black woman wary. My herstory is filled with warnings, proverbs, and anecdotes that have kept me alert to hatred and bigotry just under the surface of “nice” people’s words and actions. Yet, I am not frightened. Wary, but not frightened.

Later in the day (9 November) at our faculty meeting, I listened to my colleagues lament the results of the election. After about 20 minutes I was asked why I hadn’t spoken. “Don’t YOU have something to say?” Sure I did.
“First let me register my surprise at your reactions. I had not expected this level of lament. Secondly, Why all the fear? And where is God in your outlook? What you see happening is the direct result of not enough “God Speak”. Believers in the God of Jesus Christ have been silent too long, not wanting to make others uncomfortable, fear of losing their jobs, wondering what others might say. As a result, “Hate Speak” has taken over. But all is not lost; not for believers. The time ripe for us to speak about God and God’s love for us all. We need only do it out loud now. We can no longer be private about our “God Speak”—we must come together.” I also reminded them all about the anti-Black/Brown bodies campaigns that have been waged for the last several hundred years.

God has a way of chasing out fear. In this post-2016-election time, “Hate Speak” needs to come up against “God Speak”. 

Racist words and actions are not new here in the United States of America. That brand of terrorism was nurtured in fear. God chases out fear. NOW is the time for believers in the God of Jesus Christ to witness the Gospel— the Good News. We cannot get stuck in the words and actions of evil. NOW is the time to stand and speak God—the language of love. 

What I am advocating is “God Speak”. Speaking about the goodness of God. “God Speak” is what we say when we are faced with president-elect appointments that would send us back to a Jim Crow era, and not just for Black people. “God Speak” needs to be our response. Things look bleak, but we serve a God who can overcome any injustice. We serve a God who asks that we not allow ourselves to respond with hate.

“God Speak” needs to erupt from our mouths to put “Hate Speak to bed once and for all. 

29 November 2016

Look Into the Light

Each week I get a reminder that it is time to write another blog post. And as you can tell, I have been ignoring that reminder. I kept thinking that I didn't have anything to say. But the truth of the matter is that I wasn't taking the time to slow down and be still with my thoughts enough to write.

Today is different.

Looking at the marjoram plant that I brought inside from the cool weather, I noticed how it is turning toward the light. And then I said, "Why can't we be like plants and turn toward the light, no matter how dim?"

Usually we complain about how dark it is. When we do so, we fail to notice the light breaking up the darkness. Christ is our light--Shining through ALL darkness. Christ's light is so strong, darkness cannot overcome it. So let's look into the light. Let's turn toward Christ.
No matter what is going on in our lives, let's be like plants that reach for the light.
No matter which way they are positioned, plants turn toward the light.

18 October 2016

Luke Cage: Superhero of Hope

What can the new Netflix Original, Luke Cage, offer the Black Community?


Netflix has chosen to bring to life yet another Marvel comic book hero and he is Black and bulletproof. What does that mean? What can it mean to millions of Black people who are watching Black men murdered by bullets?


Imagine my surprise when I discovered that Luke Cage is not a new Marvel superhero. No, Luke Cage has been around since about 1972. Yup. Quite awhile. Yet the timing of bringing him to life on the small screen should not be overlooked. Is Netflix really interested in telling positive stories about Black men? I really don't know. What I do know is that the show offers a message of HOPE to all of us. The writer(s) of the show provide us with some talking points that should help us at "the table".


Black Lives indeed Matter. Just take a closer look underneath your surface and you will find Black Lives Matter there, for you are not existing without Black Lives. I am not existing without Black Lives. We are not existing without Black Lives. Take a closer look underneath your surface and discover your true humanity.

Luke Cage: Superhero of Hope invites us to the world of bulletproof Black men--protected by the armor of God and covered in the Blood of Jesus.

23 September 2016

Celebrating Preaching

I have been saying since this year began that 2016 is the year I celebrate 20 years of preaching. Guess what I discovered today? It's really been 21 years. Hahahahaha! Did I have a plan to celebrate this anniversary? I did want to do something and God made it happen: I am preaching Sunday, 25 September 2016 in the church I first preached in 21 years ago. What a feeling!!! To look back over 21 years of preaching God's Word, I am struck once again by God's AMAZING GRACE. I have had the privilege of being a vessel for the Holy Spirit to enter in and write sermons that challenge not only the hearers, but also me the writer. I have grown in such a way that I find surprising.

God REALLY loves us. And if we open ourselves to God, AMAZING things happen. We grow in such a way that makes us want to tell the world.

Are you telling the world?

No? Attune yourself to the ways God wants you to tell the world.
Yes? Continue to celebrate our God,  allowing God to stretch you.

I never thought I would be someone who proclaims God's Word. And I must say, the more God puts me in uncomfortable situations, the happier I am. The more peaceful I am. The more grateful I am.

I will be celebrating 21 years of preaching by preaching where I started, St. Elizabeth Catholic Church.

07 July 2016


“Now my soul is troubled. And what should I say—‘Father, save me from this hour’? No, it is for this reason that I have come to this hour. Father, glorify your name.” John 12:27-28a

The above text is my inspiration for my sermon this Sunday at Faith Community MB Church. This is a difficult text for me as I watch too many videos of police murders of Black people. These videos don't have actors in them. These videos are the eye witnesses to crimes perpetrated against Black bodies. These videos, recording crimes against Black people, water down the meaning of eye witness. When I was growing up, eye witness was important. It meant something. When someone stepped forward to say that they witnessed something action was taken based on their word. Now, with video proof, no action is taken. 

What the hell???!!!!

“Now my soul is troubled. And what should I say—‘Father, save me from this hour’? No, it is for this reason that I have come to this hour. Father, glorify your name.” John 12:27-28a

As a follower of Christ, I am looking at the reason I have come to this hour. What is my purpose now that my soul is troubled? What LORD? 

Glorifying God calls for all eye witnesses to God's goodness, grace and mercy to start praising God right now!!
Now, pressed down by our wanderings in the wilderness, we need to stand and PRAISE GOD!!! We need a rally that reawakens the HOLY SPIRIT within us, so that we can demand justice. We don't have time anymore for petty he said/she said things. Lives are being murdered and too many of us Christians are not raising God's praise. 

Eye Witness, if you know the glory of God in your life, WITNESS.

28 June 2016

Embracing Limits

I like to think of myself as a fixer. Not of objects, but people. Now surely I know that I can't "fix" anyone, but I like to think that by listening I offer paths that help people "fix" their situation.

But there are limits. Limits that I don't always want to embrace. I want to "fix"it. I know that experience is the best teacher, yet I still try to help people avoid the pain, the sadness, the heartache, the disappointment.

Fixers, at least this fixer, use storytelling to help them explain situations better. Don't you just love a good story? Don't you find it easy to sink right into the story?

Your story helps me find my way in my story. But there are limits.

Sometimes, no matter how many stories I tell, the person just doesn't understand what I'm saying. That's when I have to step back and embrace my limitations. That's when I see so clearly that God has marked out different steps.
                                        And it won't be me getting in the way of God's ordering!!
Where is your labyrinth taking you?

07 June 2016

The Messiness of Being a Christian

Some days I want to shout to the high heavens, "The Hell with It!!! Just stop already. Stop waiting for us to get it. Stop waiting for us to be better witnesses of Your Love. Can't you see how we're messing it all up? Can't you see that we continue to flounder. Just stop already. It's too much to deal with. Human relationship are a mess!!! Just bring on the end times won't You?"

Then a still small voice says "Hang on timone! Don't give up! Don't let go of Me! I AM here. Trust that I AM working it out for the GOOD."

And so, that's what I do. TRUST.

Each day as I encounter my mess and other people's mess, I trust the voice of God who says to me that ALL is being work out for GOOD.

Each day I must renew my strength.

Each day I must recommit myself to the Gospel.

Each day I must say YES to God's will and not my own.

Otherwise, the messiness of being a Christian closes in on me and I collapse.

May the peace that surpasses all understanding guide my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

08 April 2016

Surrendering for PEACE

It has been quite some time since I've written anything on this blog. It's not that I forget, for I have a weekly reminder set for it. What has been interesting for me is that I haven't wanted to write. It seemed as though I didn't have any words. No those of you who have been reading my blog know that I don't seem to run short of words. Yet, when it came to the blog, I just didn't have anything to say.

I mentioned this to my spiritual director last month and she said I should explore that more and see what God is saying to me. If you've been to spiritual direction before, you know that her response was a good one, but .... Don't you just want them to tell you what it means sometimes?


Well I've been sitting in this non-writing space for quite some time and today, while in devotion I came across the word, surrender.

Surrender is usually connected to giving up.
Today, I'm seeing surrender as letting go.
Letting go

  • of the need to be in control
  • of the need to be right
  • of the search for the "right" answer
  • of the fear of being ME
  • of other people's impressions of me
  • of yesterday's misery
  • of dead/dying relationships
  • of my biases and prejudices
  • of any limited view of GOD

Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

Oh, let us PRAISE!!! our God. Let us magnify God, as we SURRENDER for PEACE.

23 February 2016

Mindfulness and Lent

I am teaching a class this semester entitled, Mindfulness and Pastoral Care. As we have delved into the subject, students and teacher alike, began to discover some great benefits. Last week we sat with a mindfulness instructor to learn even more. What a great experience.

I have learned that my biggest block to mindfulness meditation is the inability to be gracious to myself. I realized that I spend too much time chastising myself about my improper techniques instead of just being aware.

Lent is a great time to practice mindfulness, the ability to be aware of one's surroundings, to be present to now. With the practice of prayer, almsgiving, and fasting, we're called to be present in ways that typically slip by us. Mindfulness and Lent have opened me to NOW in a new way; in a way that says it's okay to BE. Being helps center me for doing.

As I continue my mindfulness practices and walk with my students through theirs, I pray that we move away from our critical nature of finding fault and sit in the peacefulness of being.

03 February 2016

Well It's About Time

It's about time I wrote something. But what do I write? I've been working diligently on my courses that I haven't had a creative thought. That's when I decided I might as well write anyway. If I don't write here, I won't get started on that book. And many of you know, the book is long overdue. Well, I haven't started on it yet, but I will by the end of the semester.

I'm really excited to finally start the book project. It's been a long time coming. So if in the next few posts you find yourself reading material that just seems to be me mindlessly writing, that is what it will be. I'll be working to write for writings sake, so I can get the words flowing and move past this writer's block.

As I prepare for Lent, perhaps the time I'll be spending in prayer and reflection will assist me in my writing. Above all, I hope that Lent will find me offering forgiveness and extending Mercy.
