A Look Inside My Search

In a search for answers to the woes in my life, I found God. The truth that lies in knowing God for myself, placed me on a quest for peace. While on this journey, I have discovered that there are others seeking this truth also and that I can help. I have a Doctor of Ministry degree from Catholic Theological Union, not to rise above anyone, but to better serve everyone. I am on a journey towards peace, speaking truth that opens people up to God.

25 September 2011

The Institute for Black Catholic Studies

This Reflection was given 5 July 2011 at the noon Mass of the Institute for Black Catholic Studies (IBCS). The IBCS is a cultural and academic immersion experience for anyone who ministers in the Black Catholic Community. For more information go to Xavier University of LA . THe reflection is entitled, The Hook Up. It is based on the first reading of the day, Genesis 32:23-33

Been Awhile

More than six months have passed since my last blog entry and that's way too bad, because so many things have happened that I should have written about.  This post is not going to play catch up even though that may serve to inform those who follow me what's been happening. Perhaps as I return to the blogosphere you will surmise some of what has taken place. But since this blog is about Moving Towards Peace, I'll keep it moving.

Last week I went to a pre-screening of The Way, starring Martin Sheen and directed by his son Emilio Estevez. The Way is this year's must see movie for anyone who is discerning life's meaning and those who assist others in that process. I'm not willing to tell you about the movie because I'm convinced that I won't do it justice. Suffice it to say that it is worth paying full price. I will be going to see it again. After the viewing Martin and Emilio did a 30 minute Q & A session that was full of humor, love and passion for God. What a way to share one's love of God. Check out the trailer at The Way-The Movie. I'm sure you'll like what you see. If not, we need to chat. LOL!

Yeah it's been awhile and I find that I've missed blogging. Look for more Skinny Thoughts on a weekly basis. And if time permits more than that.

I look forward to hearing about your journey to peace.