A Look Inside My Search

In a search for answers to the woes in my life, I found God. The truth that lies in knowing God for myself, placed me on a quest for peace. While on this journey, I have discovered that there are others seeking this truth also and that I can help. I have a Doctor of Ministry degree from Catholic Theological Union, not to rise above anyone, but to better serve everyone. I am on a journey towards peace, speaking truth that opens people up to God.

19 November 2015

Prayers for timone #14

from C.White.
"Praying for your success, for your happiness, for peace in your spirit and blessings for your students. Love you and wishing you all the best."

Shape-shifting peace. Just when I think I have peace, something happens to disrupt it. That's when I realize that I have the wrong peace. The peace I'm seeking "surpasses all understanding." This shape-shifting peace is the wrong peace--it's the peace I think I can get on my own.

How many times must I go back to the beginning to get this message? Seventy times seven? Perhaps. But there I go, back to Jesus who is the source of peace who's peace I seek each day. Christ's Peace.

In a time when life is devalued, I am seeking Christ's Peace more diligently. I have gotten waylaid by the shape-shifting peace, but I'm staying in the fight. Too many of us are living under the belief that we do not matter. That belief is causing all manner of destruction.

Christ's Peace breathes new life into us.
Christ's Peace shows us how to love one another.
Christ's Peace asks for nothing, it GIVES.
Christ's Peace opens to greatness and shares that greatness.

Are you like me, fooled by shape-shifting peace?

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