Moving through my Good Fridays to Easter Sundays for wholeness below the surface.
Lent offers us the opportunity to take inventory of our Christian Living. Many of us don’t do this in a way that really gets to the heart of things in our lives. Most often we stay on the surface, giving up or taking on things that fail to challenge us in our Christian Living.
Whole-y Weak is about the realization that my wholeness is weak without Christ’s leadership. In my quest to be whole, to be peaceful, I come to understand that I must be weak in my heart; in my soul, so that Christ can fully enter into my being and turn my Good Friday moments into Easter Sundays.
Funny how long I sought to be strong; to have it all together, so I could live as a good Christian. What Whole-y
Weak has taught me is that my strength is in Christ, that my wholeness is only in and through the ways of God. Truly I am not whole on my own. On my own I am holey; incomplete.
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